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Shaping Migration: A Recent Webinar

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Building Bridges is a free webinar series offered by Teasoo Consulting and IAS UK that provides information on safe and legal migration pathways.

About Building Bridges

The Building Bridges Initiative offers a holistic approach to tackling migration challenges. It encompasses a range of activities, including webinars, outreach programs, advocacy, and capacity-building initiatives. The goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of migration and its various aspects

Building Bridges: A Collaborative Initiative by Teasoo Consulting and IAS UK

Migration is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon with profound social, economic, and political implications globally. When done right, migration can offer individuals new opportunities for growth. Recognizing this, Teasoo Consulting and IAS UK have launched a programme called Building Bridges.

The Webinar Series

The webinar series serves as a platform for fostering dialogue and knowledge exchange on migration-related issues. The objectives of the webinar series are to:

  • Provide information on migration trends and patterns
  • Highlight the dangers of irregular migration
  • Discuss legal pathways to migration for work, study, and family
  • Explore the opportunities and benefits of migration
  • Foster dialogue and collaboration among migration stakeholders
  • Connect potential migrants with credible and global agencies

Shaping Migration: A Recent Webinar

On 1 May, we hosted a webinar on shaping migration. Sarah Esangbedo Ajose-Adeogun, Managing Partner, Africa, Teasoo Consulting, spoke on “Migration Gone Wrong: The Untold Stories”. Osamede Oaiya, Country Head, IAS UK, discussed “Exploring UK Work Visa”.

The webinar attracted a significant audience from a variety of backgrounds, creating a rich learning environment. It served as a testament to the importance of these discussions in shaping our understanding of migration.

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